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Role of Appreciation in a Person’s Life

Positive things have positive effects. And appreciation is one of the positives that most certainly have a positive reflex. As a basic human nature, we all need to know what role we play in other’s life and how important we are to each other. We, as humans, want our hard work to be recognized and our intrinsic value to be realized by our fellow humans. Our work recognition is important to us and appreciating and applauding plays a major role in a person’s improvement and development. Although appreciation is most often mistaken as praise and recognition but the actual meaning and value of appreciation goes even further.

Being thankful for having what we have means ending up having that thing more. While concentrating on what we don’t have means ending up in a situation of never ever having enough in life. Appreciation plays a major role in life as it helps us feel good about ourselves and about everything we have in life and helps us push our limits to perform even better in life. Appreciation and recognition in a broader sense is that catalyst which speeds up the reaction of success, satisfaction, and happiness in a person’s life. The employees who appreciate or get appreciated are most probably found performing better. Appreciation to hard-work is like food to hunger and water to thirst. Saying a few kind words of appreciation in applauding anyone’s presence and performance can actually be quite an easier task for the one appreciating but plays a highly effective role in the life of those being appreciated and in some or the other way makes a person feel better about himself/herself in life and also motivates that person to push his limits and achieve greater things in life.

An appreciated person knows what it feels like to be appreciated and that is how the chain of appreciating and getting appreciated goes on. Appreciation is so powerful and it has the might to yield effective results.

A few reasons to show appreciation are:

1. Applying appreciation to relationships in personal and professional life will end up making others happy.

2. Appreciating everything that deserves recognition can be the reason for your own happiness and satisfaction.

3. Applauding your co-workers, employees, family members, children, friends and anyone who you feel plays a major role in your life can help boost the morale of that person highly and can open a wide window of development in that person’s life.

4. The sense of gratitude and appreciation is responsible for building trust in a relationship in so many cases. Appreciating anyone’s presence in your life is the best thing you can say to them.

5. Appreciation is a form of respect. Appreciating someone’s efforts is like respecting and valuing the quantum of efforts put in by any person to accomplish anything in life.

6. Appreciation, very clearly, helps you notice that what really counts. There are times when we keep o putting efforts but in the wrong direction, and that is where the role of recognition comes into play. It helps you to realize what direction you should work into to be highly productive and efficient.

7. Appreciating your relationships, either professional or personal results in the deepening of your relationships.

8. Appreciating yourself for anything you think you did great is another way to love and value yourself and to make yourself do good in life. It is another form of self-respect.

No matter you’re able to yield the desired results in life or not, you just need to pat your back and of those who you feel need it and say that, “You are a star and you have been doing a great job all along”. Saying these words can actually make you and your fellow workers feel better and can help in yielding the best results in life. 

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