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What is Feminism in its true sense?

Feminism is actually far beyond what we think it to be, in its true sense. Feminism in its literal and true sense implies women empowerment and standing for rights and respect of women in society. The word ‘Feminism’ and its concept was brought to extant for a good cause of ending up all the gender-based disparities that exist in the society today and to give the women or females, at a whole, of the society, a status at par with the other genders in the society. To a certain extent, this concept of feminism did wonders in terms of achieving its sole purpose but at the same time became a contentious issue because of a twisted and adulterated meaning that a part of society gave to it in order to fulfill its selfish agendas, time and again. 

As a responsible human being, it remains our duty to know and understand an analogy before bringing it to practice but a very few of us go by such a principle. Most of us just see and believe what others are doing and follow even the wrong things. The same chronology of events has taken place with the understanding and bringing into practice, the concept of feminism. More than half of the society doesn’t actually know what is feminism and why to preach it and who to benefit it with but still keep on enchanting “feminism mantras” everywhere and even victimize themselves and look for special treatment in the veil of being “so-called feminists”. However, according to what reasonability states, it is quite ironic to ask for special treatment and a special status while pressing invincible demands for equality. 

Here are 5 ways to understand where most of us do misunderstand feminism and its meaning and practice it the wrong way. 

1. Equality, not special treatment: Feminism, as made clear in the very beginning, is a way of reducing gender-based disparities that happen to exist in our society since time immaterial by empowering the women and creating equality in all respects like opportunity, recognition, remuneration, treatment, etc. But in no way, the concept of feminism supports or promotes the idea of treating the feminine gender specially or offering extraordinary status to women in society. The basic agenda of Feminism demands to create balance by promoting equality and not disparity. 

2. Understanding the beautiful difference created by nature between a masculine and a feminine gender: There is no wit in trying and sowing the seeds of unwanted and unnecessary of oneness between the two genders of the society in certain aspects. There is a beautiful difference between a woman and a man that nature has created ever since it created human beings. And mixing up the two identities, that is of a woman as a feminine gender and a man being a representative of masculinity is nowhere equal to promoting feminism. 

3. Application of the same “Feminism” analogy everywhere and no matter what: Some of us who try to portray themselves a true preacher of Feminism in the society fail to give it the true meaning of equality and respect for women. Being a feminist means understanding the real meaning of it and working and going by the same analogy every time when required and not just putting it into use for satisfying their selfish needs. 

4. Feminism is not a concept, but a feeling: For the one who is a real feminist, feminism is not just a concept but a feeling. Feminism, as a feeling means and propagates respect and equality for women in society. For those who misunderstand it as a weapon to get their selfish needs fulfilled, it might just be some other word in the dictionary. 

5. Feminism doesn’t bear the power to make wrong things right: Feminism being a positive concept, aims to create gender balance in the society by bridging the gap between men and women and uplifting women. But by any chance, this concept never propagates the idea of hiding any wrong or unethical practice under the veil of feminism. Feminism is a way to provide equal status to women in society but not by any wrong or unacceptable means. 

Practicing the right thing but in a wrong way is a hazard to society. Feminism is a strong and positive approach towards creating gender-based balance in society and hence, must be practiced keeping in mind its pragmatic approach in order to bring a change in society. 

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