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How to Contend with Pandemic Learning Loss

The year 2020 started with an apprehension of the spread of the Coronavirus. The virus originated from Wuhan, a city in China, and gradually spread across the globe.

The virus is highly contagious with the symptoms like:

1. Fever
2. Cough
3. Breathing issues
4. Sore throat 
5. Headache 
6. Muscle pain
7. Loss of taste or smell

These are likely to occur in 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus.

Covid19 being an infectious disease, brought lockdown in people's lives because the offices and schools came to the doorstep of people. This made people switch to online classes and work from home mode; all these haven't been difficult in the metropolitan areas but a significant hardship for those living in small towns and villages.

The fundamental issues in those areas are:

1. Lack of education- Parents aren't so educated that they could understand the value of online classes, to them, it's just a way to take fees. And because of which they are not motivating their children to attend the online classes.

2. Lack of technological resources- There are families where they don't have mobile phones or have a single one that too with the male earning head of the family because of which children can't always use the phone to attend online classes.

3. Lack of proper network- In the backward areas, there are issues with the network, so children can't access the phone for their classes online.

4. No internet- People in small areas don't have much money, to them earning for food, cloth and shelter is enough. So they sometimes can't afford to have internet packs.

5. Lack of knowledge in accessing the apps- Parents, students, and teachers face problems in accessing the apps because it's a new thing and for which they weren't so ready.

Issues with the aged teachers

The old-age teachers are not so friendly with the technical stuff, so they face issues in conducting online classes.

Lack of interest in the students- If teachers and students even manage to hold classes online, they face building interest issues as they are new to it.

Understanding issues- It isn't easy to understand in online classes as one needs to be very attentive.

Mischievous actions- Students also take it as a joke and do bad things as they join with a different name, play song in the background, talk nonsense knowing that the teacher is not in front of them to punish.

Not suitable for health- It harms students' eyes as using the phone to attend online classes for hours can affect students' eyesight.

Students, teachers, and parents face many other issues.

Therefore, it has been observed that this drastic change in the educational system has caused a severe loss to the students and their education. The English medium students in the urban areas are still able to manage the modifications. In contrast, students in rural areas are not satisfied and comfortable with this new educational system. All these issues are taking place as people weren't ready for it, though change is a part of nature; at a time, the society goes through some of the other changes, and adapting them is the only way to lead a better life.

Thus, when we talk of loss, 2020 has not only taken the lives of people but also their freedom. With the loss of lives, freedom, economy, another significant loss is the educational loss because of the covid19 pandemic.

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